- ‘must haves’ in vitamins to supplement good health and boost our immunity (ie – train our body’s soldier cells for virus, bad bacteria and disease wars)
- AND why they are CRITICAL for us in this day and age
FIRST, the benefits….there are many aspects of my health I’ve recently noticed which are MAJOR improvements I’d never thought possible. It’s human nature to recognize the PRESENCE of symptoms, more so than the ABSENCE of them. What I mean by that is, we’ll complain all day that we feel ill or tired, whereas it’s 10 times less common for us to bounce around praising how good we feel. It’s a known fact that when we experience poor service, we’ll complain about it to 10 people, whereas when we experience GREAT service, we’ll share it with 1! This blog is a testament to the ‘HALF FULL’ outlook on life…focusing on WHAT’S GOING RIGHT. This sums up my ‘before’ and ‘after’ of supplementing with vitamins:
-frequent UTI’s, on preventative Rx | -no more UTI’s, no Rx |
-regular cold and flus (every other month) | -haven’t been ill year to date |
-tons of congestion…coughing, runny nose | -rarely do I blow my nose |
-fatigue, irritability, run down, need naps | -leveled energy, alert, calm |
-9 hours of sleep | -7-8 hours of sleep |
-belly swelling | -flat stomach, visual waistline |
People always say you can’t buy time, but you CAN indirectly by taking:
- the right KIND of vitamins
- in the right AMOUNT (doses)
- from a trusted BRAND
- at the right TIMES
There are a select few that are universally necessary for all of us. You can argue all day long that “I don’t need vitamins, I can get them through what I eat, and I eat healthy”. But do you? What does ‘eating healthy’ mean anymore? It USED to mean, getting so many servings of fruits, veggies, meat, nuts and whole grains in per day. However, apples to apples is a whole ‘nother conversation these days. A conventionally grown apple nowadays has many fewer vitamins than the ones our grandparents bought at the local supermarket. We would need to eat 4-5 the amount of apples on average, to get the same amount of nutrients than our grandparents did, which I might add, results in an extra 400-500 calories that end up in our designated ‘storage areas’. Speaking of apple, some of us ‘store energy’ for future use (FAT), in our hips, some in our thighs, some in our butts. While it’s basically IMPOSSIBLE to spot reduce, it IS possible and highly within our control to CALORIE reduce, through VITAMIN INCREASE! Pretty cool, huh? J Here are the essentials you’ll need for your Vitamin Box:
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So you see, $100 per month is all it takes for you to achieve your weight loss (mainly belly fat which is the most common) goals as well as overall health and energy improvement. You have to ask yourself if it’s worth the investment of $100 per month now for a higher quality of life and the prevention of inevitable medical bills, as well as to LIVE A PAIN FREE LIFE. To access the products I referenced above, that I use daily, click on the link below, which will redirect you my online store, and you can add them to your cart from there. Click on each, for more info, then add to cart, and click back twice to return to this shopbox, where you can continue reviewing the other items and add them to your cart.