Chocolate! Even so much as saying the word outloud elicits a guilty, yet bittersweet emotion. For women, there's a biological explanation backing up our cravings as to why we crave it 'sometimes' more than others. This blog post is not written specifically for women, but men who also suffer from these deficiencies, or even INSOMNIACS...low levels of the feel good chemical called SEROTONIN induce anxiety. And for those that don't, you will now be equipped on what to bring home to his 'moody' significant other, friend, sister, mom, etc. Hopefully a list of bullets will hit homeand suffice, bear with me on this one b/c it's info filled and was a hard topic to organize.
- Chocolate contains magnesium, hence eating it alleviates magnesium deficiencies, mostly prominent in women. We tend to crave what we're mostly deficient in, our bodies are smarter than we think.
- The chocolate FREEBIE product I'm sharing with you below does not add sugar to it's cocoa extract. (chose the unsweetened one, and add Stevia to sweeten it...the sweetened version is done so with Sucralose, which is Aspartame, an artificial sweetener - I was all over them for that one when I met the owner at the fit show) It is my hope that the flavors from the cocoa, help to please your sweet tooth. The flavanols from the cocoa bean, extracted from a low heat process, is what a normal chocolate bar cannot provide.
Q: What are the benefits of CocoaVia and Cirku?
A: CocoaVia and Cirku contain cocoa extract, which delivers 350mg of cocoa flavanols, the plant compounds which help support health circulation and blood flow.
Q: What are the benefits of healthy circulation?
A: Healthy blood flow and good circulation are vital to an active and healthy lifestyle. Your circulatory system is the network of vessels delivering blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. When your blood is flowing properly, your vital organs get the oxygen and nutrients they need, to help you feel your best. Healthy circulation affects your total health:
- Skin – Proper nutrition and healthy circulation nourish your skin to keep it healthy and help you look your best.
- Endurance – Adequate blood flow helps deliver oxygen throughout your body – crucial during a workout to help you perform your best. Healthy circulation could help support exercise endurance.
- Sugar requires magnesium to properly metabolize, so remember SUGAR WORSENS MOOD AND PMS! You have to ask yourself if 10 jaw clenches and the 10 second palate joy is worth the long term mood drop minutes to follow.
- Chocolate also elevates a neurotransmitter called 'serotonin' in our brain, which elevates our mood. Many foods elevate this chemical responsible for mood elevation, the opposite of depression.
- With women, when our estrogen levels are fluctuating (such as during PMS), our ability to metabolize tryptophan (yes, this is what you've heard over Thanksgiving dinner b/c of the high known levels that turkey contains). This is a very important ESSENTIAL (meanin
g we cannot manufacture it on our own, it must be included in our diet) amino acid that produces the release of serotonin in our brain. - LOW LEVELS OF SEROTONIN is the MOST COMMON CAUSE OF mood disorders in our society today!
- Erratic estrogen levels are the main cause of hypothyroidism...a condition where our thyroid doesn't secrete enough insulin to break down blood sugar from our diets, leaving us to feel hungry, even after a big meal...this causes excessive weight gain.
- SUPERFOODS help to stabilize estrogen levels (more below)
- Cliff notes version = Turkey makes us happy, so does chocolate because both fill our brains with serotonin like a bunch of die hards rushing Wal Mart the day after Thanksgiving.
- My point = YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR FEEL GOOD chemicals in your brain by eating more serotonin boosters. I tell my friends to try a handful of cashews, pumpkin seeds, turkey or avocado when they're sad.
- Serotonin also has proved to prevent migraines because it prevents the blood vessels in the brain from expanding AND chronic pain, with it's natural pain killing properties.
All of that said, this FREEBIE is an ok product in my eyes. It's made by Mars, the chocolate company...not necessarily a David Wolfe in the world of whole food, true Superfoods. It's free, and it's chocolate flavor, and yes it adds benefits to your circulation, but it's not CACAO bean. It's an introduction to a potentially new step you can take in your life to detox down and slowly wean yourself off of toxic foods and their associated cravings to the most healthy foods in the world, which will help you lose weight, add years of quality life to your existence, prevent aging, promote healthy skin, give you energy, the list can go on forever. So, after your 30 day supply of this free chocolate, try CACAO. Cacao IS one of the top Superfoods integral for vitality and wellness.
Trade the caffeine and diet pills in for Superfoods like Cacao and all of your symptoms above will gradually fall by the wayside.

OK, here's instructions on how to order Cacao Nibs (little chunks - I like to add them to smoothies, or my oatmeal in the morning) or Powder, which you can use to flavor cookies, or anything you'd use cocoa powder for. Go to my website, click on affiliates, then the top b
anner, which is netrition. In their search bar, type in 'cacao' and you'll see multiple discounted items from which you can chose. I have both at home and use them religiously.
For the FREE MONTH SUPPLY of Cocoa Via, visit their website:
Select 'unsweetened' from their drop down box, then '30 day supply', quantity 1, then add to cart, and enter coupon code: 'idea11s'. All you have to pay for is shipping, which was $5.95 for me to LA.
YAY FOR FREE STUFF and good advice right!
Let me know what you think about this product, my blog and what kind of help I can provide. You may have already seen my announcement on FB that I'm officially a certified Nutritionist now and am taking clients around the world. I have the technology to assist long distance...with Skype to connect us face to face for free, as well as my Diet Master Pro software that you can personally log on to input your eating log, that we can BOTH view and analyze using the same program. the only thing I'm not able to do is give you a big hug once you've reached your goals! :D
BE active, BE fit, BE yourself. Namaste!