- Which vitamins should I take?
- When should I take them?
- Which brand?
- Where should I buy them?
- Who can I talk to for advice on them?
- How do I know they’re working?
- How much does MY body need?
- Which diet is best for me?
- I heard eating pineapples every day for a week, will help me lose weight.
- Must I stop drinking coffee & alcohol to fulfill my weight loss goals? (I didn't - read on!)
- In which exercises should I partake, and how often?
These questions are more commonplace in my daily practice than every doctor in the medical field. And for each question, you’re likely to get over 100 answers. With the flashing advertisements of trendy diets, exercise and supplements on the market today, it’s no wonder that we’re paralyzed from information overload. Wouldn’t it be helpful to know exactly what to do for all of these things, customized into your lifestyle based on YOUR DNA? Welcome to health care of the future, friends…brought to you by Diane Kazer, I announce the key to optimal health, Isotonix Nutraceuticals. I now offer every type of vitamin your body needs, in powder form. If you’re like me and DESPISE swallowing pills, I’m bringing to you the ability to DRINK YOUR VITAMINS.
With an average over 90% absorption rate and within 5 minutes into the body, your old style of taking vitamins in pill form, which you’re lucky to absorb 30% of 4 hours later, I ask you how excited it makes you to know that you’re flushing 70% of your money down the toilet…literally. This blog is intended to focus on the monumental approach I now offer to collect data from your body, to provide to you an EXACT protocol for doses of vitamins, which types, what to eat & avoid, which type of exercise your body thrives on, and more. All by unlocking the variations of YOUR GENETIC CODE. This is taking blood type dieting a million steps beyond, as others may share your same type, but NO ONE has your same DNA.
Gene SNP, your health action plan…the fingerprint to you and only you, the code that breaks down how you metabolize food, to how your body responds to exercise. Questions answered such as:
- Why am I not losing weight?
- Someone told me to take B-12 to increase my energy levels, why am I still tired?
- Why do I have belly aches and digestion problems?
- Why am I in so much pain?
- Why do I break out into a rash when someone merely makes mention of ‘running on the treadmill’?
This is how it works…After sending in a sample of your DNA and completing an online questionnaire, you will receive all the personalized details to help you achieve optimal health. The report will tell you how you process your foods, how you react to exercise, how your environment affects your body, and how family history plays a part in your health. Gene SNP DNA Analysis is the FIRST nutrikinesio test combining customized nutrition with personalized fitness based on your genetic profile. The exclusive Health Action Plan is designed specifically for you and can be achieved in 4 simple steps:
- Order your Gene SNP kit
- Send in your DNA (a simple cheek swab)
- Complete your secure online profile
- Receive your comprehensive Health Action Plan
1) Who would you recommend the Gene SNP to?
I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in being proactive about their health and use the information to make personalized lifestyle changes based on the results. This is custom nutrition at it’s best in my opinion. The profile uses both an extensive lifestyle questionnaire with the genetic test to make health and wellness recommendations. Also, I would recommend this to athletes who want an edge with their training and racing. Nutrition and exercise related SNP recommendations are made based on results for pre-workout, recovery, and overall performance. I would recommend this to someone dealing with certain chronic diseases or struggling with weight loss to see if they are missing anything that might help them progress in the right direction for their goals and health.
2) How much does it cost?
The normal suggested retail fee for Gene SNP is $395…for a limited time, I’m offering it for $295 (plus tax and shipping). Before you go eliminating this test, discriminating based on investment alone, consider HOW MUCH $$$ you've already spend and will continue to spend on fad diets, vitamins and fitness expenses in an effort to discover what works best for you...it's all trial and error and an costly feat, to find your perfect balance. I know first hand...I've spent tens of thousands over the last 2 years, trying to find mine. This test will tell you EXACTLY what you need to thrive optimally! Yep, another time and money saving tip by Di. :)
It is recommended that you discuss your results with your nutritionist. If you already have a nutritionist, then your results can be discussed at your usual appointment, if you do not have a nutritionist, we can offer you a special package to discuss your results. In order for me to do this, you must order from my online nutrition store and request the results panel be sent to me as well as you. :) Once you order your kit, I will be notified and will email you to instruct you how to add me to the practitioner list.
3) What are the main parts of the comprehensive action plan?
The comprehensive online health action plan offers solutions related to diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and supplementation. The main areas that are focused on are: exercise performance and recovery, B-vitamin metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, phase 1 and 2 detoxification, antioxidant function, bone integrity, glucose balance, inflammatory response, salt sensitivity, and alcohol metabolism. Genetic variations which indicate a sub-optimal performing environment CAN BE ALTERED...we can literally TEACH our genes to act differently, function and respond more favorably, for greater energy, happiness and vitality. Once you receive your results, I can help you put together a plan of action to instigate that!
4) What was the most helpful part of your comprehensive action plan?
Among many findings, my key learnings was that I wasn’t metabolizing my B vitamins properly, I had too much in my system, but not enough of the agent that aids absorption of it, that my body thrives on flexibility and endurance based exercise (83% more responsive) vs power based training - ie weight training (17% responsive), and that I should be very cognizant of my diet and supplement to support high HDL/low LDL levels, as I have a predisposition to heart, blood vessels and fat congestion genetically, passed down from my father. This was HUGE for me and explained a lot...my father suffered 3 strokes last year, and this confirmed I inherited more from my father than just his fun-loving personality. Unfortunate, but I felt in control, in a big way. Contrary to what many may think about me, I can gain weight pretty easily, but don't because of my dedication to fitness and work ethic on maintaining health through clean/fresh/nutrient rich/calorie dense foods. I've seen my body before when I let myself go, during the only chapter in my life when I did, during 1 semester abroad studying in London while in college, and I HATE looking at those pictures now.
What my Gene SNP told me, was how to prevent that by supplementing accordingly, AND by cautioning my daily intake of saturated fats, one of the culprits for forming high levels of LDL in the body (I remember it by LDL = lousy, and HDL = happy). The media has gone crazy about coconut oil, how good it is for you, touting it's myriad of uses, from plate to face, and I myself was obsessing over it, using it more than other oils, however it's fat source is saturated fat, so sadly, yet willingly, I have cut back on it significantly due to my findings and use more Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as recommended by my Gene SNP.
Another aha moment I had was the genetic variation that illustrated how my body metabolizes alcohol. Thank God I gave that up years ago…turns out it was causing toxic swelling in my body that I thought was fat and tried to fight off all these years. FALSE FAT is what that was. As mentioned above, I was shocked (and kind of excited LOL) to read that my body thrives on a serving of caffeine per day (250-400mg) as well as 1 oz of red wine, a small serving, yet medicinally helpful. Our most amazing anti-oxidant is OPC, a flagship vitamin in powdered Isotonic form, which has contains grape seed and wine extract, so my question was 'I take that everyday, does this fulfill that requirement' and the answer was 'no'. Now, I'm not going on a binge every day and night with this stuff, I just now know that it's a potential treatment for my body that it will soak up and welcome when I do. :) Whodathunk? Coffee and red wine are my saviors. Yield to readers though...this is NOT the case with everyone. So now, a few times per week I have a small serving of caffeine when I rise in the morning (never later in the day as that causes sleep disruption), and I'm trying to work back in a half glass of red wine on the weekends again. I didn't like the old Di when she drank, but I do miss my occasional affair with red wine! That excited me to hear that reconvening would benefit my health on a cellular level!
Perhaps my biggest key learning was that my endocrine system was low functioning….that last bit of belly fat I was struggling to ditch, and am approached with as one of the most popular questions, literally ‘fell off’ in 3 days using a formula I sell which optimizes thyroid and adrenal function and minimizes the effects of cortisol, which contribute to stubborn belly fat and poor sleep patterns…basically, I wasn’t handling ‘stress’ functionally. Insane results! These are tidbits of amazing information I would never have known or thought of had I not took this test. Here’s the herbal mix I’m using for that now:
Now, we have several other weight loss/fat loss/heart health herbal remedies, so I'm not saying this is YOUR solution, however it was mine, and the idea here is that I have a huge line up of remedies for your particular genetic outlay. There's no reason to spend $1000 per month on supplements because ads advertise on heart health, or your father had a heart attack....many of the conditions we see in medicine today are lifestyle related and hence if your father died of a heart attack, your mother of breast cancer, doesn't necessarily predispose you to it. You might not have that gene...so doesn't it make sense before living a life in fear and buying every anti-cancer med on the planet, that you're made aware of the likelihood you're going to get it too?
No more guessing or testing hundreds of diets, supplements and fitness packages to find what works best for you. This is it friends! The key that unlocks the power of your healthy and timeless future, promoting optimal health NEVER before achieved.
To order the Gene SNP kit, email info@dianekazer.com and let her know you are interested in the DNA analysis. Diane can also email you a sample report of what Gene SNP results look like for a preview of what you can expect.
You can also click on this link below and purchase with just a few clicks:
Be healthy, be happy, be yourself! Namaste,
Diane Kazer