Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So You're Thinking of Doing a Cleanse? How's Losing 7 Pounds in a week sound?

A CLEANSE? What's all this hype about cleansing and why should I do one? And do I need to stock up on Depends? Good news = NO

And you'll lose the bad stuff, not the good (like won't dehydrate you like many on the market, which contain harsh laxatives, such as senna, flushing out the good bacteria with the bad).

There are 3 simple measures you can take to improve your health and energy levels. In only 7 DAYS, you'll begin to see a big difference!

Colon cleansing and liver cleansing = removing toxins from your body.

CAUTION! Many people make mistakes with colon cleansing...often very significant mistakes...

First, you might never do it at all, with the mistaken belief that if you "eat healthy, sleep adequately, work out regularly", you don't need it. Or maybe you've never even thought about it. Or maybe, you did a cleanse 4 years ago and checked it off your list as 'done'.

Second, if you do colon cleansing, you might inadvertently choose products that are very harsh on your body, take too long, or are cumbersome and disruptive to use. You choose a good option but then execute it in a damaging or inconvenient way.

Third, you do a colon cleansing and then fail to keep the ongoing 'maintenance' up. Now you can do 3 great things for your digestive health: detoxify, maintain and support your digestive system ... by combining the benefits of NutriClean® 7-Day Cleansing System, NutriClean® Probiotics and Ultimate Aloe® Juice. THIS IS THE CLEANSE I USE!

Are you ready to start discovering the new you?

Here is a BRIEF description of the benefits of doing this cleanse:

*Helps maintain digestive health - It IS 80% of your immune system, where 80% of diseases are caused!
*Helps cleanse the colon, bowel and liver; detoxifies liver - Anti-aging for your digestive track makes you look and feel younger
*Supports healthy nutrient absorption - Get more out of food you eat
*Enhances immune system, reducing illness - colds, flus, etc
*Promotes bowel regularity and stomach comfort - Sianara diarrhea, constepation, acid reflux, heartburn, gas, bloating
*Supports a healthy urinary tract - No more UTI's, bladder infections
*Supports the body's normal resistance to yeast - 3 of 4 women get them and 5% get 4 or more vaginal yeast infections in 1 year!!
*Delivers 10 billion colony forming units (CFUs) per serving with 10 bacterial strains for comprehensive support

I lead over 100 people around the world in January on what I referred to as 'Bowel Bootcamp'! To date, I did the math and the 'biggest losers' of this cleanse round were 9 pounds for a male and 7 pounds for a female after these 7 days. A flat tummy, greater energy, pep in the step, deeper sleep, improved digestion, less gas and even better sex have been my reported testimonials.

I’m really excited for you to feel the effects and ‘reset’ your life force that is digestion. It includes a 7 day cleansing kit (2 pills 2 hours after breakfast, with a scoop of fiber powder, and 4 pills before bed - easy). I will also advise you on what foods to steer clear from and those that are encouraged. It also includes an AFTER CARE cleansing kit to maintain the cleanliness of your digestive track, your immunity, your second brain...most people cleanse and don't continue the upkeep and maintenance to KEEP it clean. Why not? Would you wash your car once and leave it dirty for 3 years too?

As part of this kit, a 1 month supply of probiotics is included as well as a 16 day supply of aloe. Probiotics maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your colon (where 80% of disease originates), by adding the good soldiers to the mix, boosting your immunity, increasing your ability to fend off colds, flus, viruses, infections, etc. The aloe juice maintains the slip and slide effect of your intestines so that toxic build up is minimized and also increases absorption from the food you eat, enhancing your energy and vitality. So you see, maintaining a healthy GI tract is just as important is cleaning it out. This differentiates me from others in the market who will do everything to sell you a cleanse kit for cheaper without emphasizing the importance of continuing the care. We will reevaluate your digestion needs following your cleanse based on results.

To purchase one for yourself and/or others, click the following link to my online nutriton store. All 3 products are included in this link. Simply add each to your cart, and check out.


Following your purchase, your product will ship out and should arrive within a week. I will receive an email notifying me of your purchase, and will follow up by sending you a personal email with an exclusive email I created for my cleansers only, where I coach you with instructions on how to 'gear up' for Bootcamp including a bonus I later decided to include - the Bowel Bootcamp compliant GROCERY LIST to further the success of your cleanse. No crawling through tires...only shedding the ones around your waistline!

Additional questions on any of this please let me know. Should you decide to purchase a kit, you will have 1 on 1 access to me as your personal Di-Gestion coach. I'm happy to help you win by 'losing'. :)

Yours very truly in health,

Diane Kazer
*Please note - anyone who has had their gall bladder removed, speak to your doctor about this kit prior to use.

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